Amidst the excitement surrounding Blockchain games, it's safe to say that many of us, myself included, believe that they still have a considerable distance to cover. Up until now, none of them have come close to capturing even a fraction of the exhilaration found in Super Mario or the contemporary appeal of Call of Duty. That exhilarating gap is yet to be bridged.
Naturally, any innovative forays into blockchain gaming must undergo thorough research and not merely become another fleeting fad destined to fade away without truly captivating players. Frankly speaking, the majority of blockchain-based games currently in development appear to be satirical parodies of venture capitalism.
This is why to effectively convey all the essential information about today’s focus, without sounding boring like all the other games you’ve probably read about, we will try to capture the enthusiasm of a passionate gamer as if we've stumbled upon a remarkable rival to Fortnite.
However, it's important to note that Stumble Upon Rumble “SuR” is quite distinct. According to the team, this is a clearly researched and well thought-out game that combines elements of the games from childhood (not your childhood boomer, the Gen z player’s childhood, or maybe, both) such as simplicity and competitive gameplay together with the play-to-earn web3 games.
I must confess, my affinity for a metamorphic perspective on various aspects of life is undeniable. And when it comes to the world of gaming, SuR’s approach fills me with an exhilarating sense of anticipation. Hopefully, the next few paragraphs will do the same for you.
Meet Stumble Upon Rumble
Stumble Upon Rumble “SuR” is a free-to-play blockchain game built on Arbitrum. Of the many things I find interesting about SuR, one of the most intriguing is the fact that this game is focused on creating a level playing field as opposed to games designed with the ability to give players unfair advantage depending on their ability to acquire such.

As opposed to level-ups, upgrades, or acquiring abilities, SuR cares only for the player’s skill. This approach eliminates entry barriers such as payment gates or in-game stores thereby accommodating any type of player.
There are other characteristics that define SuR and we will quickly run through some of the best ones:
- Like we mentioned above, SuR focuses more on the skill of the player than the ability to upgrade or provision for a player to one-up their opponent
- SuR has an almost infinity stretch of complexity as players move from stage to stage, allowing for endless strategies by players who want to reach the top
- SuR re-ignites the nostalgic feeling as a pixel-based game and even further stretches to accommodate the ability to fully customize players through NFTs
- To build a gaming fan base, it’s important to prioritize social interactions, so, SuR has its own version of Troll box where players can interact if they choose to stay aloof from the action for a moment.
- SuR is a play-to-earn game and these players will be able to earn as they win. But it doesn’t stop there! Beyond stacking up via the level of skill a player possesses, how about we tell you that you can also bet on yourself as well as stake behind others as you compete or on other players using the native $Glove token! A way to earn from the pot of skilful players
More characteristics exist but it’ll be unfair to go on listing them without describing how the game operates. So let’s look at the mechanics of this exciting and promising game.
SuR Game Mechanics
SuR game players would be able to perform two actions, move and attack! Yeah, I know, the average combat-action game where you come against an opponent!
In terms of movement, players would be able to move in 8 directions - up, down, left and right, as well in any diagonal of these directions.
On the other hand, in order to attack the opponent, the player can either kick, punch, or block to protect themselves. If your imagination can run wild, you probably get the vibe of SuR.
These actions cannot take place without an opponent being present. In SuR, game modes can present players with different types of opponents.

The opponents can range from two players squaring up to clan battles to AI characters that possess special abilities, in either a PVP or PVA (player versus AI) game mode.
However, an important and innovative aspect of Stumble Upon Rumble is how it brings real-money gaming to the blockchain via these game modes. While two players do the fighting in the arena, other players can line up in a queue to watch and learn, interact and socialize, or stake on the fighters.
Game modes are not just PVP in an isolated setting. Other players can join in, allowing for up to 30 players in a session. And so, Stumble Upon Rumble streaming can attract a much larger audience very much like KAI Cenat does on Twitch. The best part? Players get to bet on themselves as well as stake on other players. In a situation where there’s a winner, the winner stays in the arena to take on the next contender
- SuR in-game betting allows opponents to place bets on themselves using $Glove. SuR will allow players who are confident in their abilities to go against each other, with both parties putting up $Glove tokens at stake. The amount of tokens that can be put up is stratified into high, low, medium, and zero levels. The winner gets to keep the tokens, however, a percentage fee will be burned thereby enhancing the deflation of the $Glove game after game.
- Players will be able to use their $Glove tokens to stake on any top player of their choice in a square-up. What this means is that if two players with stakes behind them match up, it’ll be one staked side vs the other. Whenever a player wins, the Stakers behind him win and vice versa. A fixed reward of 0.5% of the lowest total stake of both players is to be contested for — a winner takes all combat.
- The idle players or passive token holders will be able to view historical and current data of players such as past ROI, current backing, and all-time and recent performance to make informed decisions on who to stake behind. Staking will be closely monitored to curb collusion between players with stakes.
Furthermore, Players can earn $Glove tokens or special NFTs from SuR tournaments which will be held on a periodical basis. In addition, mini-games will be a thing, allowing for the community to participate in short-period games. SuR being a game where your skill stands you out or nullifies you creates room for legal token battles where players can earn by competing. Some of the sub-modes in this category are:
- PVA - Player versus AI will allow skilled players to put up $Glove tokens against stratified contenders which will be AI. For example, Player A is in the arena but there are no contenders active, player A can decide to go against the easy AI for 2x of player As wagered $Glove. The levels ascend from normal to Hard to extreme (2x , 4x , 10x), allowing the player to make a choice of any AI level to combat. The AI levels are also self-adjusting using a threshold of 50% win rate. If a level drops below the threshold, the difficulty of the level is decreased and vice versa.

In-game NFTs
SuR’s in-game NFTs are pretty much for fun! Players can feel free to run wild with their creativity to build unique characters special or peculiar to them. Isn’t this giving players an unfair advantage? The answer is No! Consider SuR in-game NFTs as purely cosmetic adaptations.
What can be customized? Fighters, Hats, and Arenas can be customized according to the player’s preferences.
Envision SuR is like a pixelated Mortal Kombat where you can customize the look of your selected fighter. However, this time, customized options are NFTs and after the mint, players can customize their fighters by buying the available options in the secondary market.
The NFTs can be acquired in a number of ways which include, purchasing directly from the SuR website using ETH, purchasing from in-game sales using $Glove, acquiring them via rewards like winning a tourney as we mentioned earlier, player milestones, special events, and finally, community rewards.
Before we look into the token makeup of the SuR ecosystem, there’s something pretty interesting about SuR partnerships.
With every partner SuR welcomes to the ecosystem, there’s a possibility that a fighter or customized NFT can be created to represent such a partner. This has to be one of the coolest things ever especially when you see how cute they are! Partners can range from celebrities to influencers to even a community. The utility of unlocking these partner cosmetics is stored inside the partner’s tokens or NFTs. Simply fulfilling the holding requirement for these assets will unlock the partnered cosmetic in-game.
Now, let’s look at the tokenomics and wrap this lengthy article up! Shall we?
SuR Tokenomics and Governance
The $Glove token is the native token of the SuR ecosystem. Unlike other play-to-earn games where fixed rewards are a thing, the SuR token economy is supported by zero-sum P2P incentives. $Glove token will be used to:
- Purchase in-game items, as mentioned above
- Token fights between players who wager against each other, with a deductible fee at the end of each fight where a winner emerges
- Admission fees I.e: Certain game modes will require entry fees. It’s important to state that unused tokens from payments will be burned
- $Glove will be used to purchase custom characters
- Ad spaces and sponsored live events

On the other hand, SuR takes a gradual approach to governance in 4 steps.
- A period of 'no governance' where the team is in full control
- At the start of governance, however, large decisions are made by the team while smaller ones are left to the community
- Community takes charge
- And finally, full decentralization
Closing thoughts
SuR’s got a pretty cool approach to blockchain gaming and seems to be playing the long game here. The goal is obvious, to convert more game lovers to SuR players.
Given that the team kicked off some bits to the whole thing, I believe that there is no better time in getting acquainted with the SuR ecosystem than now. Some in-game assets such as gloves are pretty undervalued right now and it’ll be a steal to probably slurp some off the floor! Especially when you discover that someone recently picked up one of the cool gloves for 0.11E.
Glove holders will also be eligible for an airdrop of the $Glove tokens.
However, like always, it’s important to understand what sort of game this is before making any decision, regardless of how exciting this might seem.