Introducing the Meal Deal
Gm, apes. At long last, here’s all the info you need on the upcoming arrival of our Meal Deal and subsequent LARP Collective NFT launch.
First things first. LARP = Lifetime Access to Research Pass.
But what exactly are you accessing with said pass, anon? In short, our Meal Deal.
The Meal Deal is the premium blocmates research hub, presented for the professional degen. We didn’t like the name ‘blocmates premium,’ it felt a bit dull for us.
The Meal Deal is the very best we have to offer in terms of in-depth reports and coverage of emerging narratives and trends across DeFi.
Born from the early days of Grant’s TG updates, we’ve bolstered the Meal Deal offering and onboarded some of the best talent across the industry to present institutional-grade research in a way that even our dads could understand.
The Meal Deal, however, is not for everyone. It’s a research tool for those in the weeds every day who want to extract every ounce of knowledge and information they can from the space we’re operating in. If you’re popping in and out of crypto to trade shitcoins on your lunch hour or DCAing Bitcoin, this probably isn’t for you.
Don’t worry, though. Regular business for us will continue. By no means will we be making all of our content pay-wall-gated; the blocmates content you’ve come to know will still be completely free, as it always has been. We’re just building a new arm of our offering on top of what we already deliver.
There’s more to come there, too, but we’ll save that information for another day.
Everything included in our Meal Deal is listed now on here, and we’ll be frequently chopping and changing what is on offer based on feedback.
This brings us to the LARP Collective NFTs and how they tie in.
Our original idea was to launch a super basic NFT pass that people could mint and use to access the premium side of There wasn’t much to it, which didn’t feel like us. We saw an opportunity to do something cool and decided to take it.
So, the LARP Collective was born. At a fundamental level, the utility of the LARP NFT is to grant access to the Meal Deal for life – or as long as you hold an NFT, at least.
Now, into the nuts and bolts of the mint/launch itself.
What do they even look like?
Not that it should matter. You’re here for the tech and research, right?
The LARP pass NFT will consist of 5 Ape species paying homage to our primate roots:
- Gibbon
- Spider Monkey
- Chimp
- Gorilla
- Baboon
Each with its unique traits consisting of hats, sunglasses, mouths, rare items & bodies. They will also come in distinct background colors.

How do I get a LARP?
Firstly, there are 420 NFTs, not a unit more or less. That includes 40 that we’ve set aside for team, partners, and core blocmates community members from the early days of our Telegram and Discord communities.
The allocation for the LARP pass was done as transparently and fairly as possible. Distribution (for allowlist and whitelist) was based on those who had completed the quest for LARP campaigns in order to get a larger spread of potential holders and prevent sybilling.
The launch/mint has been staggered across the three following stages: allowlist, whitelist, and auction, with a differing price point for each.

The opportunity to gain an allowlist and whitelist spot was put out to Discord in order to reward those regular blocmates contributors/community. Demand was staggering, with both allowlist and whitelist being snapped up by the community.
This doesn’t mean the wider community has missed out, as the auction will be open to the public, and as the graphic displays, we have a set number aside for auction at a minimum.
Network mint information
Network: Arbitrum
Payment method: (ETH or AETH)
Allowlist details
For those on the allowlist, the fixed mint fee is set at 0.1 ETH.
Whitelist details
For those whitelisted, the fixed mint fee is set at 0.3 ETH.
How long are the campaigns?
The allowlist mint will run from 12 pm EST on 7th March and will run for 24 hours.
Any allowlist LARPs not minted will move into the whitelist mint, which will then commence at 12 pm EST on 8th March and will run for 72 hours.
Following the conclusion of the allowlist and whitelist mints, any remaining will also be moved to the public auction.
The public auction details
The public auction will commence at 12 pm EST on 11th March. Each LARP will be auctioned individually at a cost of 0.5 ETH, with one being auctioned every hour.
The minimum next bid must be 2% greater than the current bid price.
If a LARP bid is contested within the last five minutes of the auction, the remaining time of the auction will reset to five minutes until a winner prevails.
More on the auction
Should a participant submit a bid but end up being outbid, hence not winning a LARP, your ETH will be stored in the auction house contract, saving you the gas fee that would've been spent having to withdraw or unwrap between auctions.
At the end of the auction, a bidder must call the contract (and pay a little gas - don’t worry - it’s on Arbitrum) to settle the auction and start the next one.
Anyone can trigger the start of the next auction for a small gas fee.
What happens if I don’t win the auction but bid?
If you’ve bid on a LARP and don’t end up winning that particular auction, your ETH bid will remain in the contract until the auction’s conclusion.
There are multiple scenarios that could play out:
- If you choose to bid again in the next auction at a value below the previous value bid and win, any excess ETH can be withdrawn manually by paying a small transaction fee
- If you choose not to bid at all in the next auction, then all ETH can be removed manually by paying a small transaction fee
- If you bid again in the next auction and bid at a higher value, only the difference in your current balance will be taken from the wallet
Both AL & WL will be able to check their eligibility status before the mint date. We will have this site live in separate comms.
Do not read or interact with any communication that isn’t directly from the @blocmatesdotcom x/twitter account or via STAY SAFU APES.